Intra Wall Sliding Door


esdorlogoanim INTRA WALL SLIDING DOOR    animasyon_yanakayar




Esdor® Automatic Doors offers an ideal solution through slide inside of the walls. There are lots of models including both manual and automatic door systems.

Traditional solutions may not be possible because of the restrictions.

In this case Intra Wall systems are ideal thereby its space saving. (*)


Esdor® Intra Sliding Doors provides roominess and comfort to your places…

Esdor® Intra Wall Sliding Doors is meant to designed for provide full room usage in indoor places. It is lets to all devices move easily in such places like hospital halls, rooms and operation rooms.

The curved intra wall doors , in hotels, restaurants, houses and all kinds of places enables to place all hardware and accessories. Besides it makes it possible to divide the wide places into two parts esthetically through the application of Esdor® Intra Wall Sliding Door Systems.

The applications can be worked with wood, glass, wooden-glass and other such preferred materials which would be esthetic, economic and pratic.


Esdor® Intra Wall Sliding Door Specifications :

– Safe solution

– Straight wall proof

– Minimization of the possible damage

– Manual and automatic models

– Lots of convenient places

– Universal frame profiles

– Esthetic Look

– Hermetic


Esdor® is not just desirable, it also represents the global images that provides advanced hygiene and all kinds of details.